What Does Insurance Mean In Blackjack

What Does Insurance Mean In Blackjack Used

What Does Insurance Mean In Blackjack Card Game
Frequenting online casinos and curious about what is insurance in blackjack? Blackjack insurance is not exactly what it sounds like. If you have been readingBaccarat Strategy, Keno Strategy, and High Limit Slots Strategy to win, knowing how blackjack insurance works will help you in the game, especially if you are a high roller.
You don’t get money back when you make a bad bet. But it is a side bet which you can make on top of the original stake.
The only time you get this in betting sites is when the dealer has an Ace upcard. If you have read the Online Casino Guide, you know that this is safety against any opposing blackjack. This bet is half of your original wager and pays out at 2 to 1 odds.
What Does Insurance Mean In Blackjack Stand
The side bet gets completed when the dealer shows their second card. If the second card is a king, joker, queen or ten, the dealer makes a blackjack, which means you win the bet. If it’s any other card, you lose the insurance bet. Depending on card counting on your original bet, you can still win the original.
Blackjack Insurance: Is it a Sucker Bet?
By Arnold Snyder(From Casino Player, May 1997)
© Arnold Snyder1997
- What does it mean to buy 'Insurance'? Buying insurance is a side bet which is available when the dealer's up card is an Ace. When you are buying insurance you placing a bet that the dealer has an face card in the hole, giving the dealer a Blackjack. The bet is equal to half your initial wager.
- Taking insurance in blackjack meaning you get a chance to win more for your money, and now you can get the benefits in bitcoin. Not only is this casino a pioneer in online gaming, but you also get Mobile blackjack games, which enables you to play anywhere at any time. You get complete privacy and a lot of payment choices to select from.
- I n the game of blackjack, the opportunity to double down is the chance to increase the value of your initial bet by up to 100 per cent. In return, the player must stand after taking one more card.
The payoff for insurance, on the other hand, is 2:1. Insurance is a side bet which you can take when the dealer's face up card shows an Ace. The worth of insurance bet should be half your blackjack bet. So if you placed a $100 blackjack bet, your insurance bet should be $50. If the dealer wins, you lose your bet but get paid on the insurance.
Question from a Player: My problem is that I have this feeling that I’m taking insurance far too often. I lose this bet a lot, even though I only take insurance when my true count is +3 or more. (I’m playing mostly in six-deck games in Mississippi and Louisiana.)
On my last trip, I put in 19 hours at the tables over a three day period. I kept track of all my insurance bets. I took insurance 14 times, won 5 times and lost 9 times. I realize this is a very short test from the statistical point of view (I’ve been reading your column for years!), but my experience on all of my trips is similar to this. I lose the insurance bet way more than I win it. This is just the one trip where I kept track of my results.
What’s worse, when I win the bet, I don’t really win anything, I just break even on my hand. Winning is actually more like pushing. When I lose the insurance bet, however, I not only lose the insurance, but I still have to play the hand against a dealer ace, which also often loses. I’m starting to think this insurance bet is just a sucker bet for card counters.
Blackjack Insurance: A Side Bet, Nothing More
What Does Taking Insurance Mean In Blackjack
Answer: Many players are confused about the way insurance works because, in casino jargon, you are “insuring your hand.” Insurance is a side bet, and has nothing to do with the results of your blackjack hand.You are simply betting that the dealer has a ten in the hole. If he does, you win 2-to-1. It is not a “push” for your hand.
For example, you have a $100 bet on the table. You have a 16 vs. a dealer ace. Let’s say the insurance bet does not exist. The dealer peeks at his hole card, flips over a ten, and you lose your $100.
Now, assume insurance is offered. You have a true count of +5, so you put out $50 for insurance. Now, when the dealer flips over his ten, he pays your $50 insurance bet at 2-to-1 ($100), but you still lose your hand, so you break even.
Since, without the insurance bet, you would have been minus $100, this $50 bet gained you $100.
The actual result on your blackjack hand will be exactly the same regardless of whether or not you take insurance. If, for example, the dealer has a blackjack, you lose; if not, then you have to play out your hand vs. whatever he does have.
Also, your analysis of your blackjack insurance results indicates that you did pretty close to what you would expect as a card counter. For the sake of simplicity, let’s say all of your insurance bets were $50 each. Since you lost 9 times, this is a $450 loss; since you won 5 times (at 2-to-1), this is a $500 win. So, you’re $50 ahead of where you would have been had you never taken insurance.
What Does Insurance Mean In Blackjack Charge
Technically, your fourteen $50 insurance bets would total $700 in action. A $50 win total on $700 action would mean that insurance has paid you at the rate of 6.67% — which is more likely a positive fluctuation in your favor than a negative one.
Remember, if you win your insurance bet just half as often as you lose it, you break even. So, it will always seem like you lose this bet more than you win it, even when you are making money on it. ♠
What Does Insurance Mean In Blackjack Machine
For more card counting and blackjack analysis, see the Professional Gambling Library.
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